Import Files for Activity and Resource Assignments

The import file must contain the required columns when importing data from a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet.

Field Type Required
CA1 Character Y
CA2 Character Y
CA3 Character
WP Character Y
Milestone Character
Milestone Weight Numeric
Description Character
Baseline Start Date Date Y
Baseline Finish Date Date Y
Forecast Start Date Date Y
Forecast Finish Date Date Y
Early Start Date Date
Early Finish Date Date
Late Start Date Date
Late Finish Date Date
Progress Technique Character
Units to do Numeric
Budget Class Character
Forecast Class Character
Resource Character Y
From Date Date
To Date Date
Curve Character
Individual <Results> Character Y
CAM Character
Work Package Manager Character
Control Account Location Character
Work Package.Charge Number Character
User Character Field [1-5] Character
User Number Field [1-5] Numeric
User Date Field [1-5] Date

This is a sample format for loading activities and resource assignments.

WBS WP OBS Baseline Start Date Baseline Finish Date Progress Technique Resource Hours Direct
1.1 1.1.1 MGT 8/15/2016 8/15/2018 % Complete DRAFT 456 0
1.1 1.1.1 MGT 8/15/2016 8/15/2018 % Complete MANAGER 320 0
1.1 1.1.1 MGT 8/15/2016 8/15/2018 % Complete SENG 124 0
1.1 1.1.1 MGT 8/15/2016 8/15/2018 % Complete TECH 459 0
1.2 1.2.1 ENG 8/20/2016 8/20/2018 Milestones MANAGER 251 0
1.2 1.2.1 ENG 8/20/2016 8/20/2018 Milestones TECH 321 0
1.2 1.2.1 ENG 8/20/2016 8/20/2018 Milestones DRAFT 546 0

The import file must contain a new row for each resource assignment of a work package. Rows 2-5 of the sample will create Control Account 1.1 and Work Package 1.1.1 with four resources assigned to it with the required hours listed in the Hours column. All results used by the resource calculations are available as columns which can be loaded from the import file.

Resources are spread across the activity dates as follows:

  • Using the From Date and To Date fields, you can specify the exact value to place in each period. The resource value is spread across these dates. For example, if the From Date and To Date are in the middle of the month for a resources, the amount specified is placed in a single period. If the from date and to date span several months, the amount is spread over those periods instead. On the Resource Assignments page of the Integration wizard, there is an option to spread a resource across activity dates. This spreads the amount linearly across the activity dates.
  • There is also an option to use curves for resource spreads. The curve name entered in the resource file must match the curve name on the Spread Curves tab of the Application Preferences dialog box.
  • Resources with multiple records are summed up based on the key fields and the From Date and To Date. If there are multiple records with different From Date and To Date, Cobra will load each amount over each period specified.